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Check the supported versions​

DBmarlin supports most versions of MySQL from 5.6 and above. Please check the list of supported platforms before continuing and contact us if you are not sure.

Create a monitoring user with the correct permissions​

Before adding a target MySQL instance in the UI you should first create a dbmarlin user in the target database instance (you can choose to use a name other than dbmarlin if you prefer).

CREATE USER dbmarlin IDENTIFIED BY 'securepassword';
GRANT SELECT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES on *.* to 'dbmarlin'@'dbmarlinserver';
GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* to 'dbmarlin'@'dbmarlinserver';
FLUSH privileges;

Replace dbmarlinserver above with the IP or hostname of the server where you installed DBmarlin.

Adding the Database Target​

This is done through the User Interface using the Add Database screen