All Stories

Celebrating a Milestone - 10 Platforms Supported

This month we reach another major milestone in our journey. With the addition of SAP ASE support, the total number of database platforms we monitor reaches an impressive 10!

DBmarlin now supports SAP ASE (Sybase)

We are thrilled to announce that DBmarlin now supports SAP ASE (formerly Sybase), marking another major milestone in our journey. This addition brings the total number of database platforms we...

How to Monitor CockroachDB Using DBmarlin

“DBmarlin provides second-by-second insights into what your databases are doing and helps you identify issues before they become disasters.” - Rob Reid, Technical Evangelist at Cockroach Labs

Harness Unscripted event announces new Database DevOps solution

Last week, I attended the Harness Unscripted conference in London along with my co-founder Russell Luke.

DBmarlin 4.8.0 adds RBAC, ServiceNow and more

We are pleased to announce the release of DBmarlin 4.8. This version add Role-based access control (RBAC), alerting to ServiceNow, additional contention information for CockroachDB and more.

DBmarlin 4.7.0 adds drag to zoom on all charts

We are pleased to announce the release of DBmarlin 4.7 with new drag to zoom feature on all charts as well as multiple small improvements and fixes.